Insta Story it – the hidden strategic power of the social media giant

What is the hidden strategic power of the social media giant?

Are you seeking engagement levels from posts? Who is seeing your company posts? What does this mean for us? All companies seek engagement and impressions.

The stark difference between posts and stories is that stories allow the account user to see not only how many people are looking at the post, it also provides a sense of urgency; The story is only available for a short time. Urgency activates the social media users and compels them to action.

Why should we invest in Instagram? We are increasingly visual now. Text led marketing can often be ineffective. The market is fast paced, with consumers receiving messages all the time. Video marketing has recently been described by Aoife Caulfield at Digital DNA as the way forward and is increasingly being used across social media platforms to maximise reach and engagement. Social media users sift through company messages daily. If you want to have your company offering noticed there must be a reason for the consumer to ENGAGE. Video content intrigues the user. When executed dynamically with bright colours and a marketing hook, it is far more likely to resonate with the user.

Instagram is a great place for a company to establish company culture. Google encapsulate this perfectly with their excessive fringe benefits.

Check out their offices here:

The Instagram company culture shapes perceptions of the product or service offered and as a result the brand will be associated positively or negatively.

Do not underestimate the power of Instagram. Building rapport and instilling positive consumer

perceptions will be long lasting for the business. Ingrain your company today with a culture, underpinned by trust, brand loyalty and, fundamentally, reliability.

Aoife Caulfield’s Twitter: @Aoifecaulfield








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