Retention, Retention, Retention
Why are your BEST employees leaving you?! Tips to Keep YOUR staff.
In a world that constantly pushes individuals to strive for more it is no surprise that top companies are offering more and more to entice future employees.
TEAM WORK is a vital component to a productive workforce. A football game would not work without relevant positions defending, striking and tackling. Making staff feel part of a greater purpose assists with morale levels and pushes outcome levels.
FUTURE PATHWAYS. Keeping staff also involves facilitating and encouraging ambition, staff members want to be able to see a future in the firm. This can be achieved by giving staff more responsibility and ingraining company loyalty in them.
COMPANY CULTURE. Do your staff come and go as the clock strikes home time? Employees seek more than just gratification from reaching their monthly targets. Employees need to enjoy coming to work. Culture can be created by the creation of team building events, staff lunches and taking the time to invest in your employees.
CAREER ROLES DEFINED. Do your staff know what job they do? Employees need to be given a clear guideline on expectations. Autonomy is encouraged to give staff responsibility and a greater level of creative control. However, staff need to have an area of responsibility to feed their motivation and allow a passion to be developed.
TAKEAWAYs: Value your staff, create a desirable company culture, develop clear roles and indulge in teamwork.